Job Seeker Registration

Username Information

By registering with Taykon, you will receive relevant job information from our team. You will also have access to useful online tools like Job Alerts via email.

Resume and Availability

Available From:
Attach Resume:*
Please submit your resume in .doc or .pdf format.

Personal Details

First Name:*
Last Name:*
Email Address: *
Password: *
Confirm Password: *
Contact Phone Number:
Suburb / Town:*

Qualifications *

Years Experience:*

Preferred Work Type and Salary*

Type of Work:
Work Eligibility:*
Full Time Salary:
Contract Rate:

Select the locations where you prefer to work

Major Cities


List your experience in the following job categories

Construction industry


Mining industry


Trades industry


Please acknowledge that by registering with Taykon you agree to our terms and conditions & privacy policy

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